Ola Najami

Director of the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace

Ms. Najami received her BA in Psychology and Education from Birzeit University in Ramallah and completed a course on informatics at the Technion in Haifa. She has spent much of her career working to create a shared society in Israel through intercultural dialogue, Arab leadership, and women’s empowerment. 

Prior to joining Givat Haviva in 2023, she was the Co-Deputy Executive Director Program for Abraham Initiatives. In the past, she managed the field of safe communities at Abraham Initiatives. She developed and wrote about the field with respect to improving personal security in Arab society, cultivating leadership among women and youth. Previously, Ms. Najami worked for the Women Against Violence Association for eight years. She was in charge of all awareness-raising projects and those geared towards boosting the representation of women in decision-making positions.

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